6th International Advanced Research Workshop on In Silico Oncology and Cancer Investigation - The CHIC Project Workshop
3-4 November 2014
Athens, Greece
Paper submissions due (EXTENDED DEADLINE): 27 September 2014
Notification of acceptance (NEW DATE) : 10+ October 2014
Camera ready papers due (NEW DATE) : 20+ October 2014
G. Stamatakos, PhD, ICCS – National Technical University of Athens, GR
N. Graf, MD, University of Saarland, DE
M.Akay,PhD, University of Houston, US
D.Dionysiou,PhD, ICCS – National Technical University of Athens, GR
K.Marias,PhD, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, GR
R.Radhakrishnan,PhD, University of Pennsylvania, US
N.Uzunoglu,PhD, ICCS – National Technical University of Athens, GR
R. Bohle, MD, University of Saarland, DE
S. Gool, MD, Catholic University of Leuven, BE
M.Stanulla, MD, Hannover Medical School, DE
N. Zamboglou, MD, Hospital Offenbach, DE
W. Audretsch, MD, Marien Hospital Duesseldorf, DE
F.Meunier, MD, PhD, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, BE
J. Demotes-Mainard, MD, PhD, European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network, FR
E. Meese, PhD, University of Saarland, DE
M.Viceconti, PhD, University of Sheffield, UK
H.Byrne, PhD, University of Oxford, GB
P. Maini, PhD, University of Oxford, UK
C.Guiot, PhD, University of Turin, IT
D. Ingram, PhD, University College London, UK
R. Dale, PhD, Imperial College London, UK
T. Jackson, PhD, University of Michigan, US
F.Dong, PhD, Univerity of Bedfordshire, UK
N.Forgo, PhD, University of Hannover, DE
M.Tsiknakis, PhD, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, GR
P.Buechler, PhD, University of Bern, CH
B.de Bono, PhD, University College London, UK
V.Sakkalis, PhD, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, GR
J.Couch, PhD, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, US
M. Zaman, PhD, Boston University, US
A.Bucur, PhD, Philips Electronics Netherlands, NL
D.Testi, PhD, Interuniversitary Consortium CINECA, IT
Y. Nikolsky, PhD, Thomson Reuters, US